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WHA Membership

Membership Form

To become a member click HERE to download a copy of the new membership form or click HERE to download a copy of the RENEW membership form.

Please complete the relevant form and either email it to or post to the  Membership Secretary at address below.

You can also catch us in the Trading Store (check opening hours) to pay by cash or card.

Current annual subscription rates (2025)


(if only one joint member is over 60 the Over 60 rate applies)

Payment by Bank Transfer is our preferred method of payment:


Account: Wokingham Horticultural Association

Sort Code: 40-47-09

Account Number: 51606786

Reference: Membership


Details for payment by cheque can be found on the application form.

Membership Secretary c/o 5 Lime Close, Wokingham, RG41 4AW


Membership cards can be collected from The Trading Store at Ormonde Road or please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your cheque.​

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